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Citrus Citrine, the Birthstone for November

Citrine the birthstone for November
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Together with Topaz, citrine is also a birthstone for November. Revered for its pretty tawny color, affordability, and durability, it’s no wonder that this quartz variety has become one of the most top-selling yellow-orange gemstones. Get to know more about this “yellow quartz” that has now, for many, become CITRINE.

What is Citrine?

A transparent variety of quartz, citrine is a yellow-to-orange gemstone that’s commonly mistaken for topaz. The name “citrine” replaced its initial name “yellow quartz” when the father of modern mineralogy George Bauer first mentioned “citrine” in his 1556 book.

On the other hand, citrine, as a color, was first cited in 1386—a reference used to describe the color of the citron fruit. Similarly and out of numerous origin stories, many believed that the gemstone’s name “citrine” originated from the Latin word “citrus,” which refers to the group of citrus fruits.

You may wonder what makes citrine yellow to orange, but this component remains to be under debate. Some say that traces of aluminum and irradiation into its crystal framework gave this gem its color. Meanwhile, others suggested that iron causes its yellow color as crystals are often treated in iron-bearing solution, but different dichroic behavior between lab-grown citrine and natural citrine negates this suggestion.

Overall, natural citrine is rare so much so that iron-treated amethyst is sold as citrine. However, heated amethyst is not citrine and the presence of dichroic behavior does not mean a stone is a natural citrine.

Citrine the birthstone for November
A 360-video of citrine, captured with the GemLightbox Turntable set

Citrine joins topaz in representing the November birth month. Its addition to the modern birthstone list has helped increase its popularity. Further, citrine is the traditional 13th anniversary stone.

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Citrine, a Brief History

Citrine has been around for thousands of years beginning in the Hellenistic Age between 300 and 150 BC. During this time, the Greeks used this gem as a decorative piece for jewelry and tools.

The fascination for citrine grew. In the 17th century, the popularity of citrine increased among Scottish weapon makers. Around that time, it was common to see daggers and sword handles made of citrine. This popularity was not at all consistent, especially at the beginning of the 19th century when diamonds and other precious gemstones like sapphire started to take center stage. However, citrine made a promising comeback as the demand for honey-colored gems reintroduced itself.

A brief history of citrine

Citrine’s prominence during the Vintage era could be attributed to Queen Victoria’s fascination for colored gems. The result of which saw citrine-embellished brooches and kilt pins.

In the 1930s, Europe began to see surges of citrine, mostly in Germany from South America care of German gem cutters who moved to the latter and shipped large quantities of stones back home.

To date, citrine has continued to be prominent among popular personalities. Celebrities like Emma Watson, Jennifer Lopez, and Beyoncé were among the many caught donning citrine jewels. Lastly, who would forget Kate Middleton’s beautiful citrine ring? Mistaken for a push present from her husband Prince William, the Duchess’s rare citrine ring was a square yellow ring she probably has owned for much longer.

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Sources of Citrine

Small quantities of naturally colored citrine can be found in many places around the world. However, the most common location is Eastern Brazil. Other locations include Russia, Spain, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina, among many others.

Citrine: Meanings, Healing Properties, and Powers

If you need more positive energy in your life, then citrine is right up your alley. Its bright yellow hues symbolize spiritual joy, warmth, positivity, and transmutation. Citrine personifies happiness; it offers relief and refreshes like a tall glass of fresh lemonade juice.

Furthermore, citrine is a popular gem in the metaphysical landscape. It is one of the only two crystals that does not require cleansing or cleaning as it doesn’t hold any negative energy. Rather, natural citrine dissolves all negativities and transforms all negative thoughts into positive ones. Indeed like the true power of the sun that this gem carries, it invigorates, comforts, and gives life to its owner.

Citrine properties

Do you need any luck in business?

Citrine is also a Merchant’s Stone. An awesome crystal for manifestation, citrine assists in wealth building and acquisition; thereby, making it a good companion in business and other commercial transactions. If you’re a believer, you can try your luck by putting citrine in your cash register to attract more sales.

Additionally, this golden gem is ideal for all dreamers as it turns dreams into reality by helping you boost your intentions to manifest the desires of your hearts. It enhances creativity and imagination; thus, making it more attractive to artists of various fields.

Moreover and as with other gemstones, believers rely heavily on citrine’s physical, mental, and emotional healing properties. Physically, citrine uplifts mood and fights chronic fatigue. Being the stone of the summer, believers look at its physical healing properties almost similar to the Vitamin D we get from the sun—it revitalizes and promotes better mood and feelings.

Metaphysical Properties

Metaphysically speaking, citrine associates itself with your sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra. You can find the former just below your belly button and the latter around your stomach area. The sacral chakra is where your creativity and passion emanate while the solar plexus chakra is the place where your strength and personal power gather. The power of citrine brings alignment to these two chakras, which then helps you stay grounded, positive, and balanced.

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Quality Factors

Like other gemstones, color, clarity, cut, and carat weight dictate citrine’s quality and value.


Citrine’s attractive color increases its value but the intensity matters. The most prized citrine are those stones in saturated yellow or reddish-orange colors without a tinge of a brownish hue.


When sourcing for citrine to sell to your customers, look for those that are without eye-visible inclusions. This is because visible inclusions are not common in citrine. Any presence of inclusion can significantly decrease the value of your stone.


While you may see many citrine gems in unusual shapes, the most common cut remains to be oval, rectangular, and round.

Carat Weight

Unlike other rare gemstones, citrine is readily available in a wide variety of sizes including larger ones that are over 20 carats.

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Do you have citrine in your jewelry inventory?

What’s your favorite citrine cut and shape? How was your citrine selling experience? Let us know in the comment section or watch the video below to see how to photograph citrine with just one click using your smartphone and the GemLightbox & Turntable Set.

Happy selling!

Picup Media Family

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