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Are You Looking for a Jewelry Description Generator Tool?

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Have you already read our tips on how to write a jewelry product description but still find the process grueling? Fret not! We made sure to make it even simpler for you with our new jewelry description generator tool.

Why Do You Need a Jewelry Description Generator Tool?

We understand the predicament. Not everyone is a wordsmith who can lace graceful words together like soul-stirring poetry. After all, you’re jewelers and your main task here is to do business—TO SELL. The complexity, however, arises when you realize that a major part of selling is persuasion. You’ve probably heard it many times already — SALES IS ALL ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY.

The Neuroscience of Selling

There is a science to selling, especially if you’re selling jewelry. As we’ve said here many times, when selling jewelry, you’re not actually selling jewelry, but emotions. Your customers measure the value of your product based on its emotional and sentimental worth. They connect to your necklaces, earrings, and rings on a deeper level where assorted emotions and memories live. This connection grows deeper and deeper each year. So while your main goal is to sell, you have to awaken their old brain to close the deal.

What is Old Brain?

The instinctive part and emotional parts of your brain are what make your old brain. The former is responsible for automatic functions like breathing, digesting, and so on. The latter, on the other hand, relates to feelings, motivations, and pattern-matching for better decision-making. Your customers decide on emotions. I don’t know how many times you’ve heard it already, but customers buy on emotions and justify them with logic. But how do you appeal to emotions to make them — the old brain — listen to logic?

In face-to-face selling, the old brain activators would include displaying enthusiasm when talking about your product to your customers, smiling at them while talking, and making eye-to-eye contact. Online, however, the approach changes unless you can smile at them in your product listing. That would include sorcery, I guess.

How to persuade jewelry buyers online

The Old Brain Activators of Online Selling

When online selling, if you’re not doing live video selling, at least, your two main activators here are:

  1. Your jewelry product descriptions
  2. Jewelry photos and videos

These two emotional brain activators are powerful because they can attract the attention of your customers’ old brains even before they initiate contact with you. Take a look at the sample jewelry video and photo below.

Oval cut diamond captured with GemLoupe
Sparkling oval-cut diamond ring captured with a smartphone and GemLoupe
Amber stone photographed with the GemLightbox and a smartphone
Amber stone photographed with the GemLightbox and a smartphone

Both images and videos can help in the activation of the consumers’ intrinsic and emotional brains. They can also aid in meeting their emotional and material needs, but they may not be sufficient for everyone. Hence, the supplementation of texts, in this case, your jewelry product description.

In the jewelry product description section, you can include material details like the product dimension and other attributes that are not easily perceivable in the photo. It’s also another opportunity to strengthen the emotional connection that you’ve built with the customers through videos and images. How words and objects, in this case, get an emotional meaning that resonates with your target buyers has something to do with how the brain processes stimuli. As such, if you know who your target buyers are, then you should know how to awaken those feelings so they can associate them with your products. The good thing is that people learn positive associations faster than negative ones.

Putting Emotional Value in Jewelry Through Descriptions

Here’s an example of a pair of pixie earrings described as a symbol of love, peace, and hope from Sirocca Jewelry on Etsy.

Jewelry product description
Description of pixie earrings, Sirocca Jewelry

The above pair of pixie earrings was sold to a buyer who left a note:

jewelry description writing and meaning association

The association of meaning was clear here. One study says that the brain usually determines whether an image or a word is positive or negative after 200-300 milliseconds. In the case above, the word “pixie” was already a known subject to the receiver and it has already an established meaningful association as it reminds her of her loving relationship with her late mother. The words “love,” “joy,” and “hope” are also perfect descriptors that could activate the emotional brain given the situation.

Now, if you’re into writing, this is something you would truly enjoy but you have a business to run, possibly a large number of jewelry items to list on your website, but very little time.

How to Write a Product Description for Necklaces

Learn how to write a product description for necklaces with these four basic steps. Click the link to read more!

What is Picup Media’s Jewelry Description Generator Tool?

Jewelry descriptions made easy, Our jewelry description generator is an AI-powered tool that generates catchy product descriptions in just seconds. It’s packed with powerful features that allow you to carry on with your tasks quickly and easily, day to day.

Why Choose Picup Media’s Jewelry Description Writing Tool?

  • Save time

If you’ve been used to spending hours in front of your computer thinking of what to write, you don’t have to anymore. This product description writing tool puts an end to endless draft writing and creative blocks. We want you to focus on the most important aspects of your business while we take care of the routinary but critical tasks for you.

  • Better social media presence

Increase your social media engagements by complementing your jewelry product photos with powerful product descriptions.

  • Increase sales

Nothing makes a buyer more decisive than a product listing that answers all their questions with very minimal effort on their end. When you get your product descriptions right, you avoid questions that could have been answered if you were strategic and thorough in your texts. After all, a frictionless customer experience is what you’re after here. Eliminate all the roadblocks so they can get to your online cart before they bounce.

Remember that not all buyers are the same and with all the competition you have online, customers are always distracted if not busy to slide in your DM. An incomplete and vague product description can easily turn potential customers away as some would rather scroll further until they find the right vendor instead of bothering you with questions you could have answered right away.

Your goal here is simple: make the process as easy and with fewer clicks as possible. Don’t make them work hard to get to the checkout button. Give all the information they need without going back and forth.

How to Write Product Descriptions for Earrings

Learn how to write compelling product descriptions for earrings with these simple creative writing tips. Click now and read on!

How Does it Work?

Our Jewelry Description Writing Tool is very simple to use as you will see below.

Step 1. Log in to your Hub Account and go to Gallery.

How Does Picup Media Jewelry Description Generator Tool Work

To be able to use the Jewelry Description Generator Tool, you must have an active Picup Hub subscription account.

Picup Hub is an all-in-one jewelry photography solution hub equipped with AI and AR-powered tools that help facilitate efficient and effective online selling among jewelers. When you subscribe to GemHub, you not only get to take advantage of the jewelry description generator tool, but you will also have access to our virtual jewelry try-on tool and catalog-making tool, among many others.

Step 2. Choose the product you want to add a description to and type the Product Name in the space provided.

How use jewelry description writing tool

After typing in your product name, don’t forget to fill in the Product Type by choosing the correct option from the dropdown. In the example above, I already selected Rings.

Step 3. Enter at least 3 product descriptions, separated by commas.

Input at least three product descriptions

For this part, you must enter at least three product descriptions and separate them by commas.

Step 4. Click Confirm to generate your product descriptions.

Click confirm to generate your jewelry product descriptions

Once you’re all set, click Confirm to generate your product descriptions.

As you can see in the example above, the jewelry description generator tool generated three different product descriptions for me. When you get to this part, just choose the description you would like to use. Don’t worry if the specific attributes, like carat weight and karat, are different from the one you entered, simply click the pencil icon at the bottom right corner of the description and edit the figure with the correct carat weight.

And just like that, you’re done! Effortless, isn’t it?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a product description generator?

You can make your own product description generator by building an artificial intelligence system. This requires technical expertise in coding, machine learning, and natural language processing.

How do you write a description of jewelry description?

You can use a jewelry product description generator tool or follow these steps on how to write a jewelry product description.

What tool do you use to write a product description?

There are many product description generator tools nowadays such as the Jewelry Hub’s AI-powered jewelry description generator.

Want to Know More?

If you want to know more about our jewelry description generator tool or any of our jewelry digital solutions, contact us or book a demo with our digital solutions expert so you, too, can jumpstart your online success.

Still undecided? That’s okay. Check out our Jewelry Blog for more helpful jewelry and jewelry photography content to guide you with e-commerce and online selling.

See you on the next blog!

Picup Media Family

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