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5 Holiday Marketing Tips for Jewelers

holiday marketing tips for jewelers
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‘Tis the season to go shopping! We’ve rounded up 5 of our tip-top holiday marketing tips to help you make the most of the season.

What to Expect this Year?

If last year’s trend would dictate your holiday preparation this year, then you should be on your merry way by now with sales and campaigns ready to jumpstart the season.

In 2020, the pandemic pushed for the early start of the season as people shopped earlier than usual to avoid overcrowded stores and shipping delays. When November rolled out, consumers had done 26% of shopping on average already. There was a slowdown in November but the fact that consumers pulled forward their spending in October justified the spending holdback the following month but it picked up again in December.

This year may not be different.

According to, 27% of polled consumers plan to begin their holiday shopping before the end of September 2021. This figure includes 13% of holiday shoppers who already started or planned to start their gift shopping in August.

In the jewelry sector, jewelers have another reason to celebrate. Aside from an early start to holiday shopping, Mastercard SpendingPulse found that shoppers are also ready to splurge—an appetite fueled by government stimulus and pent-up savings. In the survey, the luxury retail and jewelry sector have displayed the strongest year-on-year (YoY) and year-on-two-years (Yo2Y) growth. Now that’s an impressive demonstration of retail resilience!

Mastercard SpendingPulse anticipated holiday retail sales for jewelry
Anticipated holiday retail sales for jewelry, Mastercard SpendingPulse

So, how do you leverage this insight to boost your sales this holiday season? Take a look at these holiday marketing tips we’ve gathered just for you. Read on!

5 Holiday Jewelry Trends That Will Turn Heads This 2023

It's that time of the year again! Here are 5 holiday jewelry trends that are guaranteed to turn heads this 2023. Click the link to learn more!

5 Holiday Marketing Tips for Your Jewelry Business

1. Romance jewelry shoppers with vivid product descriptions

Holiday marketing tips for jewelers

Writing jewelry product descriptions is important to your business because the words you use could attract or drive customers away. When writing, you don’t have to be a literary genius, you just have to know what you’re selling and what satisfies your customers, emotionally and logically.

As we’ve mentioned previously, your product descriptions must be straightforward enough to inform the buyers but also evocative to trigger positive emotional reactions. You can achieve this by replacing boring adjectives with vivid descriptions like “rainbow sparks from heaven” when describing the colors of opal, for example, taking into account its prismatic play of color woven together with its interesting Arabian folklore where opal was said to have fallen from heaven in flashes of lightning.

Be imaginative and make sure that your product description sets you apart from the rest.

How to Write Product Descriptions for Earrings

Learn how to write compelling product descriptions for earrings with these simple creative writing tips. Click now and read on!

2. Say it with photos (and videos!)

A closeup video of a diamond ring captured with GemLoupe
A closeup video of a diamond ring captured with a smartphone and GemLoupe
Loose amber stone photographed with the GemLightbox
Loose amber stone photographed with the GemLightbox and a smartphone

There’s nothing you can’t communicate with photos or videos, especially when selling online, so say it, visually!

According to a poll by, 62% of holiday shoppers will buy mostly online this year. The top common reasons for this trend, as they found out, were as follows.

  • Convenience (70%)
  • Avoiding lines and crowds (62%)
  • Scoring deals (46%)
  • Fear of COVID-19 (45%)

Considering this data, you can’t afford to neglect the visual aspect of online selling. Without the means to touch and try on your products, your customers are left only with pictures and videos to guide their buying decision.

Images and videos are powerful as they influence a buyer’s decision-making process. It’s more powerful than pricing and product reviews, so much so that 90% of polled Etsy users rated the quality of images as extremely important to a purchase decision. But not all images and videos are equal. How is a blurred photo useful to a buyer? It won’t serve them and won’t contribute positively to their overall experience. Use high-quality photos and videos to create a lasting positive impression—one that would enthusiastically make them imagine themselves wearing your product.

Awaken their desire and excite them with breathtaking jewelry photos and videos. As philosopher George Santayana once said in his book, The Sense of Beauty, “we have in us this radical and widespread tendency to observe beauty and to value it.” Hence, use photos and videos that only justify your product’s value.

Diamond Photography: Make Diamonds Sparkle with GemLoupe

Does diamond photography make your head spin? Not anymore! Learn how to make diamonds sparkle in photos and videos in one click right here, right now!

3. Pay attention to shipping cutoff dates

Holiday marketing tips for your jewelry business - be mindful of shipping cutoff dates

Predictions of shopping delays continue to haunt retailers this holiday season as the pandemic rages on.

If you have an online jewelry store, pay attention to your shipping policy. You don’t want a frustrated customer showing up empty-handed on the gift-giving day. Set their expectations properly and communicate shipping information clearly without them asking for it. If there would be changes or updates, let them know right away.

Additionally, be proactive, especially if you’re aware of any international shipping bottlenecks. Add an announcement banner on your website to inform them ahead of time so that they don’t feel blindsided by you after placing an order.

How to Set a Shipping Strategy for Your Online Jewelry Store

Learn how to develop a sound shipping strategy for your online jewelry store. Click the link to know more!

4. Use storytelling strategies to ignite their desire

Use storytelling strategies to promote your jewelry this holiday season

Stories are alive, so said the English author Neil Gaiman.

Storytelling marketing is the art of using narrative to convey a message. Ideally, the narrative must trigger emotions that will inspire buyers to take an action. Good stories humanize your brand; thus, making you more captivating and relatable.

Start with pandemic-fueled romances. Some couples have grown closer during the pandemic and have decided to move in together and are moving forward with the engagements. The difficult times they shared had made them more sentimental having realized that tomorrow is not promised so they wanted to start the rest of their lives right away.

Now more than ever, couples are on the lookout for meaningful, romantic pieces that represent their love story. They want those pieces that can help them promote their causes and at the same time, embody their beliefs. When you weave stories for customers, take time to know their own stories—who are they? what do they believe in? This way, you don’t come up with a tangled tale of meaningless product campaigns.

Jewelry Shopping Trends Brought About by Covid-19

Learn the latest in jewelry shopping trends as we bring you 5 ways jewelry consumers have changed since COVID-19. Click the link to know more!

5. Know the holiday jewelry trends

Know the holiday jewelry trends

None of these holiday marketing tips would work if you’re selling pieces that are out of trend, so keep yourself abreast of the hottest jewelry and accessories for the holiday season.

Find out what customers are after and what constitutes Zoom-worthy jewelry pieces for those that are still frequenting the virtual world, and what makes a complete holiday look for those who are still attending in-person events. Show them that you have everything they need in building a versatile, classy, and interesting wardrobe for the season.

5 Current Jewelry Sales and Trends

Keep tabs on the industry and start with these 5 current jewelry sales and trends amidst the pandemic. Click the link now and get yourself updated!

Ready to Stage a Holiday Comeback?

Have you been preparing for what seems to be the biggest holiday shopping season yet? With many countries starting to end their lockdowns or easing COVID-19 restrictions, you got to be there to wow your customers when they finally start to flock again.

What other holiday marketing tips do you have up your sleeves? Let us know in the comment section below!

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