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How to Capture Rings for Social Media

Photograph Rings Social Media
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The statistics are that 70% of brides-to-be used social media to find wedding inspiration and their wedding style.

So how do you differentiate your rings from the thousands of other rings on social media?

One of the ways, of course, is posting visually appealing content. In this guide, we go through 5 simple steps our customers use to capture social media shots for their rings.

So if you an online jeweler looking to up your social media game, read along!

Photographing Rings for Social Media

Step 1. Define the purpose

How to Capture Rings for Social Media

You must first decide the purpose when planning your social media ring shot. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I want to create awareness about my brand?
  2. Do I want to showcase any new products?
  3. Do I want to create a story/feel for my brand?
  4. Do I want to connect with a particular audience?

Once you have decided on what your purpose, let’s move onto the next part!

Step 2. Setting Up Your Shot

Now, here comes the fun and creative part!

There are many factors to consider when you are considering your social media shot, the most important being the colors you use.

Colour is powerful in conveying emotions and setting moods. According to a study made on the impact of color on marketing, the results show that your products are judged 90% based on color alone! So if you want to connect with your followers, or have them react in a certain way, use the right colors!

Below is a quick chart showing the psychology behind colors:

color chart psychology

You can use color for your social media images in the following ways:

  1. Incorporating different backdrops and props
  2. Placing rings of different colored gemstones or metal tones
  3. Combining different graphics and filters in the post-production

Use different backdrops and props

How to Capture Rings for Social Media

Although the subject matter in your social media image should be your ring/s, to help make your image stand out from the sea of saturated posts is your backdrop itself! A great backdrop not only highlights the topic, it conjointly adds its own character to a photograph and helps tell the story. It is also a great opportunity to create your own brand’s consistency and own unique feel to the images posted.

A good backdrop not only highlights the subject, but it also adds its own character to a photo and helps tell the overall story. It’s also a great opportunity to create brand consistency, helping to create a signature look for the photos you post.

The best thing is that creating your own backdrops can be very inexpensive and doesn’t require a full studio! There are backgrounds available on the internet that are freely available and can be edited to your needs to add your own logos. Alternatively, you can purchase simple backgrounds from your local K-Mart or arts and crafts store for only a few dollars. For a more in-depth guide on jewelry backgrounds, check out this blog here.

For your props, you need to be very careful as to what you choose. Props at first may seem like a great idea; however, it may distract your viewers from your actual subject matter. Avoid overly complicated props and keep things simple.

Placement of multiple rings

how to capture rings for social media - placement of rings

Rings can be placed in multiple ways

  1. Multiple rings on fingers
  2. Stack shot of rings
  3. Depth shot
  4. Scattered shot

Having multiple items in your images allows your brand to engage easier with your followers. Asking your followers a simple question such as “which ring is your favorite?” not only allows you rake up likes and comments on your post, it also allows you to gain insight about the feedback from your designs for any upcoming product launches. An additional advantage for the placement of multiple rings is that your posts become less spammy! Also posting variations of your products allows you to also reach out to passive shoppers who do not engage with your posts but are potentially interested. It’s a great way of reducing the number of posts while creating more engaging content! This will help you increase your reach and have your products more likely to be discovered online.

In our video (bottom of the page) we use a variety of shots and angles using multiple rings and backdrops.

Step 3. Shooting Your Rings

For social media images, our preferred method of capturing images is through our smartphones! Using your smartphone is quick and easy and any content you create can be easily uploaded straight to your social media pages. We also use our all-in-one jewelry photography solution, GemLightbox as our lighting environment to capture pixel-perfect images

We have extensively covered this topic in our other blog post here.

Just a few tips to summarise when shooting with your smartphone:

  1. If you are creating a post for social media, consider putting your camera to square mode prior to shooting
  2. Turning on the gridlines definitely help to align your product
  3. Tap to focus on your rings
  4. Adjust your exposure up and down as required
  5. Use a tripod or phone stand to minimize shake and keep your images in focus

Step 4. Combining Different Graphics and Filters

Now that you capture your lovely social media shots, let’s add some extra flair! Filters help induce different moods and work great if you’re trying to create a compelling story with your posts.

You can access different filters in your native photo application. Similarly, Instagram has a wide range of filters and customizations! Sometimes it is not necessary to add filters. This is true if you are promoting your rings for sale. In this case, stick to a white background and graphics.

Play around with different filters and test which works best with your audience.

Although they say a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes you just want to send a single message across to your followers. In this case, incorporating graphics will work most effectively. Instead of hiring a graphic designer, consider using online services such as Canva or RelayThat where you can drag and drop different designs to create your own unique designs. Finally add your own call-to-action to get your audience to follow, like and tag your posts!

Below is an image we created using a combination of a white background ring image and different graphical designs to promote our upcoming exhibition at the JCK Las Vegas Fair.

combining different graphics and filters

Step 5. Promote Your Images!

Don’t waste your hard-earned efforts – promote your images on all your social media platforms! Consider scheduling your posts using third-party software such as Hootsuite to effortless push your content. Now combine your image with hashtags and presto! You have successfully captured rings for social media.

Our video demonstration below summarises this guide. Let us know if you have any questions!

Picup Media Family

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